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Centro Nudges: Setup

Centro Nudges

Centro Nudges is a cutting-edge solution designed to bridge the communication gap between Salesforce and Slack seamlessly. No more toggling between platforms or dealing with external tools – Centro Nudges empowers you to create notifications directly within Salesforce, streamlining collaboration and communication like never before.

Centro Nudges Setup:

To allow end users to build their own Centro Nudges, there are a few steps the Salesforce Administrator needs to complete:

Note: The Automation User needs to have access to create Salesforce Flows.

Important Note on Deactivation of Nudges:

It is important to *Deactivate* rather than *Delete* a Nudge Salesforce record. Deleting a Nudge will result in its associated Flow to continue to remain Active, leading to confusion and a decoupling that is impossible to remedy.