Get Current Conversation Members
Centro provides the ability to get all existing Slack Channel conversation members in a Salesforce Flow Element. The output from the element is a collection variable with the following values:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Slack Team ID
- Slack Member ID
These values are defined on each Slack Member's Profile. Here's how a typical setup for using this element:
- Create a Collection Variable of type Apex-Defined with the "Centro__SlackMember" Apex Class. Here's a typical setup:
- Next add the Centro Flow Action "Get Conversation Members" to your flow. Set the input Channel ID (see other articles for getting the Channel ID). Make sure to check "Manually assign variables", and add the collection variable you created in Step1:
- Typically you'll want to Loop through these members, for either creating or editing Salesforce records. Simply select the Collection Variable as the Loop variable:
- Finally, you can use these values within the loop to set variables or update records. Note the values are accessible:
Let us know if you have any questions using this element!