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How to convert Slack Message Timestamp to a Date Time?

Converting Slack Message Timestamp to Date Time Format

Slack Message Timestamps are represented as Unix timestamps in microseconds. To convert these timestamps into a more readable date-time format, you'll need to perform a few simple calculations and conversions. Here is an example of Salesforce Formula

Slack Message Timestamp Format:  1714486460.359589

Salesforce Date Time Format: 5/13/2024, 7:31 AM

Saleforce Formula:

FROMUNIXTIME(VALUE(LEFT({!$Record.Centro__Message_TS__c}, FIND(".", {!$Record.Centro__Message_TS__c} ))))

Replace the {!$Record.Centro__Message_TS__c} with the field or variable that contains the Slack Message Timestamp.

Following these steps, you can easily convert Slack Message Timestamps into a date-time format. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please get in touch with our support team for assistance.