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Quick Start: Bulk Mapping Slack User Ids to Salesforce Users

Centro allows the bulk mapping of Slack Member Ids to Salesforce User records. That way, Flows and other automation in the Centro tool kit can do things like @mention users in Slack using Flow! Please see demo video below before starting:

Before starting, please understand the following requirements:

Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Go to the Centro App Home
  2. Click User Setup
  3. In the section Bulk Map Users, click Preview 
  4. You'll see a list of a sample of mappings, up to 100. This is not an exhaustive list, but simply a preview. Press Save to continue the mapping
  5. Centro will leverage the primary Automation User for performing the mapping - make sure this automation user has access to Centro license, Centro Admin permission set, and the User object
  6. Confirm the results, or review any errors after the mapping is completed

Questions? Concerns? Reach out to us in Slack Connect if you're a customer, support@centro.rocks, or the chat in the lower right corner of this page.